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There are numerous US work visas; some ultimately lead to permanent residence of issuance of “Green Cards”, such as those in the Employment-based (“EB”) Immigrant work visa category (i.e. EB-1 A, EB-1 B, EB-1 C, etc.) 

Others, like the “B” class of temporary / nonimmigrant visas are temporary business visas. 

Certain other US nonimmigrant work visas, like those of the L1-A and L1-B class, are “dual intent”-type work visas that give the holder nonimmigrant status in the US but allow the same person to pursue permanent resident or immigrant status in the US, even while they hold the L1 nonimmigrant visa.  

Other nonimmigrant US work visas include the H-1B (workers in a specialty occupation); H-1C (registered nurses working in a health professional shortage area); H-2A (temporary or seasonal agricultural workers); H-2B (temporary non-agricultural workers); H-3 (trainees other than medical or academic); and I (representatives of foreign press, radio, film, or other foreign information media)

Contact our law firm for help with securing your US work / business visas.

Our law firm is committed to protecting members of the public from the intentional and/or negligent acts of those to whom they entrust their care. 

The tort of medical malpractice happens when a medical doctor, directly or through an agent (i.e. another medical practitioner, a nurse, therapist, etc.) harms a patient by failing or neglecting to competently perform his or her medical duties. 

There are certain basic requirements that have to be present prior to prevailing on a medical malpractice claim:

  1. There must be a medical doctor – patient relationship between you (the patient who claims to have been harmed) and the doctor / medical practitioner being sued. You must have hired or selected the medical doctor for your treatment and the latter must also have accepted being so hired.  Thus, there must have existed a physician-patient relationship
  2. The doctor / medical practitioner must have been NEGLIGENT regarding diagnosis or treatment of your condition and his or her negligence caused your injury. For you, the patient, to prevail on a medical malpractice claim, there must be a showing that the harm caused you by the treating physician was one that a competent medical doctor or similar practitioner, operating under the same circumstances and under a “reasonably skillful and careful” standard, would not have caused. In other words, there must have been a violation of a widely-acknowledged “standard of care”.

This standard will often be reiterated or expounded upon by a medical expert during trial.

There must also be a nexus or connection between the injury you, the patient, suffered as a result of the medical doctor’s incompetence or negligence and the treatment received from the medical doctor. 

The types of harm for which relief can be sought under a medical malpractice claim include: physical pain; mental anguish; and lost work / lost future earning capacity, among others. 

Circumstances or fact patterns in which medical malpractice claims have   been upheld include the following: improper medication or dosage administration; poor follow-up or aftercare; premature hospital discharge; failure to order proper testing; inability to spot or recognize symptoms; surgery on wrong body site; misreading / ignoring laboratory results; and unnecessary surgery, among others. 

Contact us if you believe you have a malpractice claim against a medical doctor or any other relevant medical personnel. 

Personal Injury law forms a sub-set of the more general area of legal practice known as “Tort Law”. 

Tort law allows an injured person or one who claims injury from another person’s intentional or negligent act the opportunity to approach the Courts for a legal remedy (also known as “damages”), for losses that result  from such an accident or incident caused by that other person.

Specifically and more importantly, Personal Injury law allows someone who claims injury from the negligent or intentional act of others to receive financial compensation after such a person  has suffered harm stemming from another’s negligence or otherwise intentional conduct. 

Tortious or “Legal” injuries include not only physical injuries but emotional, economic, or reputational injuries; they also often include violations of constitutional rights or guarantees or also infringements of personal and privacy rights. 

Automobile accident or Car Accident Injury law is a further sub-component of Personal Injury law.  

Car accident law encompasses legal rules in specific jurisdictions, especially state laws in the United States, which determine responsible for or apportion responsibility regarding personal and property damage resulting from a traffic accident or collision in that jurisdiction. The legal principle of Negligence is a principal component of this class of personal injury cases. 

Contact our law firm if you have been involved in an automobile (car) accident or have suffered any other kind of injury due to another person’s negligent or intentional act. 

The most common and widely-known Investor visa is the EB-5, otherwise known as the “Immigrant Investor Program” visa. This category allows persons who invest a certain amount of money in US-based projects to apply for and ultimately receive permanent resident status and, ultimately, citizenship in the United States. 

Another “investor visa” is the E-2 Visa. This allows aliens from eligible countries (mostly in Europe and a sprinkling from Africa and Asia) to enter and work inside the United States based on a “substantial” investment such a person will be controlling or administering while inside the country. This visa is generally renewed every two years and there is no limit to how many times it can be renewed.

This class of visas is also available to non-investor employees of the business, as long as such employee (s)  share the same nationality as the investor and ultimately play a role in the US business that is either executive or supervisory in nature, or requires specialized skills that are essential to the efficient operation of the original business / investment in the US. 

Investor visas are available only to citizens of certain countries, or “eligible treaty countries”. The “treaty countries” include South Korea, Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Senegal, Serbia, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Turkey, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Denmark, among others. 

Contact our law firm for your Investor Visa needs.